2007 Fantasy Football Draft Results


It's that time of year again. Fantasy football time! This is my fourth year in a Yahoo! league with the same core group of guys. I had a strong first year, a sophomore slump, won it all, and just barely limped into the playoffs last year.

Our league drafted players this past Sunday. I normally just let go with the standard preseason ranking list but this I decided to participate in the draft live. It took a while, but was fun. I drew the seventh pick and feel like I may have taken a big chance by choosing Leinert and Losman, but we'll see. Overall I'm pretty happy with my team, but tell me what you think. My guys are marked in orange. If you haven't drafted yet, feel free to download and use my Excel spreadsheet of possible picks (see below).

My 2007 Fantasy Football Draft Results

Office spreadsheet icon 2007_FF_Draft.xls0 bytes
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