Owen's getting his first taste of team sports through a Saturday morning YMCA program. The program is teaching kids the basics of sports, started with soccer fundamentals, and the kids are now playing t-ball.
Update: I was able to get the picts off the phone.
Ryan didn't have school this past Tuesday due to the mid-term election. For security reasons, schools across the country have decided that it's a big risk to have kids in class with adults coming in and out of the school to vote.
It was four years ago today that Owen Patrick Kieffer entered the world. It's hard to believe that this energetic and carefree kid was a premie. Each night this weekend Amy asked me if I remember what we were doing 4 years ago. On Cinco de Mayo 2001 Amy and I were awakened at 5 in the morning by her water breaking. Blame it on Cinco de Mayo. Blame it on the full moon.